The Best Way To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

In high school and college I did some heavy weight lifting and developed stretch marks on my upper arm and shoulder. Consequently, I did a little research on the best way to get rid of stretch marks. My wife, who provides skin care facial treatments at the best salon in Mandarin Jacksonville, Florida, also is very knowledgeable on the subject. As a result, I have discovered the best way to get rid of stretch marks. Here is a HubPages article I wrote on The Best Way To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks:

What Are Stretch Marks?

The medical term for stretch marks is striae. The skin on the human body is made up of three layers which are the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous or hypodermis. Stretch marks are created when there is excessive stretching of the middle layer of skin or dermis over a short period of time that causes weakening of the elastic support tissue.

Even though the epidermis remains intact, atrophic scars or depressed streaks are formed that are initially a variation of pink, reddish brown, purple, or dark brown color depending on your skin color and later turn to a silvery white. They usually will fade over time...More...

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